There is a proven link between high attendance levels and attainment. This is why we remind the pupils constantly of the importance of high attendance and punctuality.
The following routines are part of our response to the need to monitor attendance:
We kindly ask all parents to contact the school at the earliest convenience and leave a detailed message on the answering machine if your child is absent. If your child’s presence in school falls below a level we judge to be acceptable, we will contact you. If this is a regular occurrence, we will contact the School Attendance Officer, Mrs Elisabeth Ryder who will arrange a meeting between school and parents.
We ask parents to:
- Support good habits of regular and punctual attendance in their children.
- Contact the school before 10am on the first day of any absence if your child cannot attend through illness or any other reason. (Please phone 01443 680800).
- If no contact is made the school will contact the parents.
- Parents are requested not to withdraw pupils from school for family holidays.
- Where possible, parents should avoid arranging medical appointments during the school day.
- While in school, absence from any lesson without permission of the teacher is considered as truancy.
All pupils are required to be present at the registration period at 8:40am. It is of utmost importance that any pupils who are late arriving at the school premises sign in in the main office.
Regular attendance at school is the single most important factor in your child’s success.
We would ask you to think twice before taking children out of school for holidays within term time. It is appreciated that occasionally this is unavoidable, but research constantly tells us that children who miss days at school can be disadvantaged.
- School Holiday Form
Please print out and return to the main office.